RK-23T is a special modified organosilicon defoamer with excellent defoaming and antifoaming properties, system compatibility, excellent dispersibility. It is suitable for wood furniture paints, architectural coatings, industrial coatings, overprint varnishes and other systems in water-based systems.
RK-77T is a modified silicone defoamer specially designed and developed for latex system. It has excellent anti-foam performance and good compatibility. It is suitable for industrial paints, wood paints, architectural and industrial paints, water-based printing inks and other systems in water-based systems.
RK-66T has excellent defoaming and anti-foaming properties as well as excellent compatibility, and can effectively prevent microfoam generation in high and low viscosity systems. RK-66T is suitable for water-based systems such as container paints, wood furniture paints, architectural coatings, industrial coatings and water-based printing inks.
RK-26T is a special modified polyether defoamer with excellent defoaming, foam inhibition and system compatibility. It is widely used in water-based systems for emulsion polymerisation, colour paste grinding, adhesives, plastic paints, industrial paints, wood furniture coatings, automotive production line coatings, architectural coatings, paper coatings, printing inks, etc.
RK-76T has excellent defoaming and anti-foaming properties as well as excellent compatibility, and can effectively prevent microfoam generation in high and low viscosity systems. RK-76T is suitable for water-based systems such as container paints, wood furniture paints, architectural coatings, industrial coatings and water-based printing inks.
RK-73T — модифицированный силиконовый пеногаситель, специально разработанный и разработанный для латексных систем. Обладает отличными противопенными характеристиками и хорошей совместимостью. Подходит для красок для деревянной мебели, архитектурных покрытий, промышленных покрытий, лаков для надпечатки и других систем на водной основе.
RK-03P is composed of polydimethylsiloxane and inorganic salt. It has outstanding bubble inhibition performance and good acid and alkaline resistance. It is used in sewage treatment, textile auxiliaries and industrial cleaning
Катионный полимерный порошок представляет собой полимеры с водой, которые нерастворимы в большинстве органических растворителей, с хорошей флокуляцией, его можно использовать при обработке воды, нефтяном поле, добыче, сбои бумаги и т. Д.